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Volunteer Opportunities

I90 NATCA is seeking volunteers for the following positions:

Professional Standards Rep - Process Professional Standards cases in accordance with Article 52 of the Slate Book. Must be well respected among peers and management, be able to maintain confidentiality and willing to have difficult conversations. Must also be available to travel to training Monday-Friday, dates to be determined.

Respect Rep - Serve as a member of the I90 Respect Team. Participate in facility Respect discussions/briefings. Representative must be willing to lean into issues and have potentially difficult conversations. All training will be done in-house.

Charitable Rep - Work with our members to help make a difference in the community. Assist local charities with funds from the NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF), organize volunteer opportunities for NATCA members from I90 and the Houston area.

Volunteers must not have bid a management position within the last year.

We ask that any member accepting a representative designation commit to not bidding a management position for at least a year after beginning their new role.

Please volunteer by April 7th. The Local Executive Board will be voting on all designations by April 14th. See LM or IA for more details.

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